IG Round Up

IG Round Up

I always want to stress the importance of backing up your content to a secondary platform. On top of that, repurposing content on multiple platforms allows for growth and awareness! If you follow me on my main platform (Instagram) then you have seen these images and so from here I am going to post them [...]

Fenty Skin

Fenty Skin

If you were looking for a sign as to whether or not you should try/buy Fenty Skin products, let me be that sign. The collaboration gods shinned their light upon me and sent me this beautiful gift and I could not be more grateful. My beauty regimen has got a serious reboot recently and let [...]

Haul Acid

Haul Acid

I have to say that I was happily surprised that I was able to be gifted with a package from one of my favorite skincare brands - Drunk Elephant. If you missed the unboxing, it is up on my Instagram highlights and I recommend going to watch it because everything about the packaging was on [...]