Get the Look

So if it hasn't become apparent enough, I am stepping out of my fashion comfort zone and I haven't stopped. Along with trying more boho looks, I have shot a few trendy and chic looks as well which is really killing my Instagram profile! But I like being able to pull off new looks and [...]

Coffee Talk : Spring Style

I always get excited for the upcoming season at the end of the current one. It's a cycle being excited to wear different clothes and then getting bored of them and waiting to transition your style. Also, I hate that small window between trends that happens every once in a while. I was shopping for [...]

Photo Shoot

Like I said in my La La Land post, there are so many opportunities that come with living in Los Angeles. I am definitely thinking about moving to Austin to try to keep living in a bigger city that will have more things to do to keep up with my blogging. One of these opportunities [...]

La La Land

I recently went to my psychiatrist, yes I have a psychiatrist, and I told him how I moved to Los Angeles. He proceeded to call it 'La La Land' which I have of course heard before. I didn't think much of it except for it was kind of a funny referral and that I should [...]