Q&A with LA Bloggers

I met up with some awesome blogger babes from LA and I had the idea to start a Q&A series to get to know more of your favorite bloggers! I asked them all the same four questions and below are their unique responses! Also, follow them on Instagram if you haven’t already! (and me of course which you definitely should be!)

Debby : @trynfinddebby https://www.trynfinddebby.com/

Alexa : @alexaabain http://alwaysalexa.com/

Ericka : @erickabernabe https://bernabella.com/

Alexis : @lexialcala http://alexisalcala.com/

Julia : @juliaroga

Anna : @annasweeney

Genie : @gallivantingbean https://gallivantingbean.blog/

1. What made you want to start blogging?

Ericka : I started my self titled blog Bernabella in January 2018 because I felt I needed a space to combine my two loves: photography + writing. Since I have a degree in Journalism and PR/Advertising, I felt that it was the right time to start my blog and showcase my work 🙂

Debby : I was getting over a break up and it was a creative outlet for me. It honestly helped so much because it led me to meet some amazing girls even if it was only through the internet! Crazy but thankful we live in a world that can connect you with complete strangers in a way you would normally not connect with even your neighbors!

Anna :  I honestly started creating “daily outfits” putting together a different outfit every day and posting its details it’s become a hobby of mine and has been fun to mix and match new and recycled pieces. It’s inspired me to take it further. I’ve noticed family and friends become so supportive and actually love what I do. I also love the fire that lights within me when I do what I do. I also just love the community, I love everything about fashion, I want to make it a full-time job someday. “If you love your job you won’t work a day in your life”.

Julia : I had a really analytical job coding and needed a creative outlet

Genie : I actually started blogging because my best friend was fashion blogging and she suggested that I start a travel blog. So it wasn’t at all my idea! I’ve traveled a lot and so many people ask me for travel tips. Consolidating them inside a website makes it easier to share haha.

2. What is your favorite trend of the moment?

Ericka : PLAID. I’m obsessed with plaid at the moment. It’s such a versatile pattern that’s wearable year-round

Debby : Fringe and Snakeskin!!! I’ve been eyeing some snakeskin booties! And also mustard yellow for some reason!!! Haha, I’ve always disliked the color yellow and all of a sudden, I can’t stop buying it now!

Anna : I’m obsessed with blazers, oversized shirts, biker shorts and bright colored heels. Easy go tos for me. Also two piece sets.

Julia :  Teddy bear coats

Genie : My favorite trend would have to be sneakers haha. I feel like that’s getting a bit overrated now. But I love comfortable shoes and I only ever wear boots or sneakers. So the sneaker trend is definitely working in my favor.

3. Who are a few bloggers you look up to?

Ericka : @taramilktea for travel inspiration and @xoxotsumi for her timeless sense of style

Debby : I love love love the content the following babes produce:
@howdoyouwearthat, @stephweizman, @jenkvieira, @thestyledseed, @claudiagraziano, @thefashionfraction
Anna : 100% @cassdimicco is my favorite fashion influencer/ blogger her style nails my style or what I wish it would be to the T I would literally trade my closet for hers and wear every single one of her outfits. She kills it every time. Also @desiperkins and @morganstewart I look to for a lot of my fashion and beauty inspo I absolutely love them and all their fits. A local blogger I’ve really been vibing with is @jessthrowiton she absolutely nails my style may be better than I do. Combo of all these women. My absolute favorite posts to see every day!
Julia :  Kyleecampbell and tezza
Genie : Aside from the big ones, Aimee Song, Chiara Ferragani. I look up to one of my blogger besties Julia from @juliaroga. Her editing skills are amazing! I also love following @andreeabirsan. Her photos always have this pop of red that’s to die for and she produces some interesting more abstract photo concepts too.

4. What’s your go-to beauty product?

Ericka : My go-to beauty product is the Lancome Advanced Genifique Youth Activating Serum. It’s a little pricey, but IT WORKS.

Debby : Oh my goodness!!! So hard to pick one but I would say SPF facial moisturizer and  mascara is my most favorite thing ever!

Anna : Go to beauty product has got to be my @maccosemetics lipsticks !! To be precise the shade viva la glam ii is my everyday wear and I wear it like chapstick on a frequent occurrence I will leave the house with my hair up and no makeup on but you better believe I’m wearing my lipstick lol. They’re also a great way to change up your makeup when you use different shades especially for someone like me who doesn’t really change up my makeup routine too much

Julia :  Not really a beauty product but nail grow by opi is my favorite product

Genie : Well first my go-to beauty brand is Kiehl’s. I use their ultra facial cleanser and sunscreen everyday. However, I’ve recently discovered green clean by farmacy and I’m totally hooked. It’s a balm makeup remover that’s super gentle. I love it because when I’m using it i don’t feel like I’m rubbing sandpaper on my face trying to get all my makeup off. It leaves my face clean and soft.

Bodysuit : Free People // Jeans : Levi’s // Boots : Forever 21 // Cardigan : Nasty Gal


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