Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

This is something that I really struggle with in some areas, and really shine in some. When it comes to dealing with life changes, like leaving college and ending relationships, I have a really hard time. I think I have a hard time when I am forced out of my comfort zone rather than when I choose to leave it. But that is just an everyone thing. I think I usually need to just build up my mentality to change things first. Something to work on for the things I can’t change…food for thought.

What I really wanted to talk about was the part that I shine in, because maybe someone reading may have a harder time with that part and need the little encouragement it takes to push through with some of the small stuff. Being mostly alone in Los Angeles has taught me independence. I do not really have anyone to rely on and that’s okay because not only did I choose this, but I am lucky enough to have support back home. That being said I think it is hard for some people to 1. live alone in a new city and 2. leave the apartment and go to events and things like that alone. I know a few girls that have expressed this to me and I wanted to leave some tips.

A great brand once said, “Just Do It.” Sometimes you just have to psych yourself out and force yourself. Honestly, I picture it like taking a bath as a little kid. You do not want to go to a new event or meet up with a bumble bff match, but when you’re there you’re happy you went. Even if it wasn’t super perfect, you accomplished going!

Start small. I am outgoing and very talkative so I start off by giving a girl I think looks nice a compliment. Then I ask where they are from or why they are there. If they are meeting with someone I tell them how I am there alone. Get a feel for the conversation and above all, do not be afraid to just hang out alone! We’re old enough that no one should judge you anymore!

Also stepping out of your fashion comfort zone is a must! Once you got your style nailed down you definitely need to be able to play dress up once in a while! This tee was a little out of my regular buys but I thought it looked cool. I decided my style is comprised of pieces I like and that is basically what unites them all!

Top : Zara // Shorts : Levi’s // Shoes : TopShop // Hat : GigiPip

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